man in white t-shirt and blue pants sitting on floor

Emergency first Aid for Sports

Course Title:

Emergency first Aid for Sports


Course Duration:

ATS Certificate

1 day (7 hours per day inc. breaks/lunch)

Course Suitability:

This training course is suitable for all sports coaches and instructors who have a duty to their performers, athletes or team participants. The content can and will be adapted to suit the Sport, pursuit or activity the group undertakes. This includes but is not limited to Rugby, Netball, Football, Cricket, Tennis, Swimming and aquatic sports, outdoor and adventurous activities, even BMX, ultimate frisbee and water-skiing!

Course Syllabus:

  • Legal Aspects

  • Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

  • Unconscious Casualty (inc. recovery position)

  • Managing Bleeding and Minor Injuries

  • Trauma including head injuries, spinal injuries, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains

  • Breathing conditions including asthma and hyperventilation

  • Circulation problems including shock, heart attack, diabetes and dehydration

  • Functional testing to decide fitness to play.

Qualification Validity:

3 Years

Assessment Method:

Externally assessed practical (no written exam)

Maximum Attentees:

15 Attendees (subject to space)

Included in Price:

  • A5 First Aid manual - each

  • Certification

  • Free annual skills update Training

  • Free ongoing advice and support

  • Free replacement ATS certificates if lost

  • Discount on re-certification and other training with ATS

Course Cost:

Please complete the form HERE

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